CCIP will create the world's largest liquidity layer.

19 Nov 2023, 18:07
CCIP will create the world's largest liquidity layer.

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ChainlinkLINK #12
20 Nov 2023, 12:57
Problem: ⛓️🚫⛓️ Solution: ⛓️⬡⛓️ Chainlink #CCIP solves the problem of fragmented onchain markets, creating a universal liquidity layer that maximizes the liquidity of tokenized RWAs.
Problem:. Solution: ⬡.
Problem: ⛓️🚫⛓️ Solution: ⛓️⬡⛓️ Chainlink #CCIP solves the problem of fragmented onchain markets, creating a universal liquidity layer that maximizes the liquidity of tokenized RWAs.