To close out our amazing event today we have @aave Founder & CEO @StaniKulechov joining Chainlink Labs's Data Streams GTM Lead @

13 Nov 2023, 14:50
To close out our amazing event today we have @aave Founder & CEO @StaniKulechov joining Chainlink Labs’s Data Streams GTM Lead @halcyonprice ! 🎉 Thank you to everyone who joined us!

Same news in other sources

ChainlinkLINK #12
13 Nov 2023, 15:00
Our limited-time course on Chainlink Oracles is live right now on the Premia Academy🎓 Complete it to earn a custom NFT⌛️ Premia Blue uses @chainlink oracles to solve the demand for accurate pricing across its numerous sources of liquidity🦉💎
Our limited-time course on Chainlink Oracles is live right now on the Premia Academy. Complete it to earn a custom NFT️.
Our limited-time course on Chainlink Oracles is live right now on the Premia Academy🎓 Complete it to earn a custom NFT⌛️ Premia Blue uses @chainlink oracles to solve the demand for accurate pricing across its numerous sources of liquidity🦉💎